Sunday, August 19, 2012


   I've gotten back into the habit of writing with hand; the traditional way - on paper with pencil. I look back on it now and realize that the reason I started this blog was simply because I was too lazy to write in person. 

   This was a bust then too. 

   I promise to be more active here. Doesn't matter really, no one reads this. And I like it this way. There's a certain, exhilarating thrill about putting up your deepest, darkest thoughts on the Internet whilst subconsciously not allowing people to find your site. It sounds pathological, but in reality it's no different than people writing ambiguous statuses on Facebook, or "subtweeting" on Twitter. It's all just passive aggressiveness. 

   This is me being passive aggressive maybe. Whatever, don't judge. At least I'm not hurting anyone. 

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