Sunday, October 28, 2012

I like

I've come to realize that my urge to write stems mostly from what kind of weather is going on outside my bedroom window. 
I like writing at night. When's it dark and the world is asleep. 
I like writing during thunderstorms because the rapid "click-click" of my keyboard is in tune with the "pitter-patter" against the window. 
I like writing on sunny days though as well; because I can open the window and welcome the air. 

Words don't seem to come as easily as they once were able too - now the term Hipster gets thrown around wherever you go; I have no idea where this sudden idea of an off-set, "unique yet mainstream," douchebag came from but I find it slightly unflattering. Why does drinking strong coffee and wearing beanies classify me into a specific category of person? It's dumb. 

Once again, another useless post. 
I have to get my shit together. 

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